Funeral Pre-Planning

Planning ahead enables you to make financial arrangements to cover your funeral costs. Even if you are leaving behind enough money, will your survivors be able to access it at the time of need? Taking care of your funeral arrangements is a thoughtful and caring thing to do for your family. It is comforting to know that you have done all you can do to ease their burden.

Benefits of Prepaying A Funeral

  • It allows you to consider alternatives and make decisions concerning your funeral in your own time.

  • You will have peace of mind knowing that once your funeral details have been documented in a contract, the uncertainty concerning your final wishes will be lifted from the shoulders of your family and friends.

  • You save by paying for tomorrow’s funeral at today’s price. You are protected against inflation and price increases because no further charges are made on the items selected by you for your funeral plan contract – ever.

  • You relieve your family from the financial burden of your funeral.

  • Your pension is not adversely affected.

  • You can cover the added expense of repatriation to your hometown should your death occur while you are away from home.